Three Ways Web Browsing Changes With IE10 in Windows 8 | Computerworld Philippines

Three Ways Web Browsing Changes With IE10 in Windows 8 | Computerworld Philippines.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) While Metro apps for both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have been recently announced, users are getting a chance to actually use the Metro app for IE10 in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Providing a full […]

Five Windows 8 Features Businesses Should Watch | Computerworld Philippines

Five Windows 8 Features Businesses Should Watch | Computerworld Philippines.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Microsoft’s Windows 8 Consumer Preview wasn’t Wednesday’s only download of interest to businesses. Also released was its Product Guide for Business, a 15 page PDF file that explores the most relevant Windows 8 features and technologies for […]

7 Ways to Protect Your Business Printers | Computerworld Philippines

7 Ways to Protect Your Business Printers | Computerworld Philippines.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Can a hacker burn down your business by remotely starting one of your printers on fire? Researchers recently proposed such a scenario, and HP quickly denied that it’s possible. Even if your printers can’t be used as […]

How a Google Drive Revival Would Help Your Work | Computerworld Philippines

How a Google Drive Revival Would Help Your Work | Computerworld Philippines.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Long ago Google internally tested a file storage service they code named “Platypus”, but the world referred to as “Google Drive” or “Gdrive”. In 2008 they killed off the project, instead allowing users to upload […]