Five Ways Apple Should Make iCloud Business-Ready | Computerworld

Five Ways Apple Should Make iCloud Business-Ready | Computerworld.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Apple announced on Thursday an update to its OSX operating system, called Mountain Lion. Notable in the updated features is much tighter integration with iCloud, its cloud based file, apps and settings syncing feature. For businesses, this isn’t […]

iOS vs. Android Battle Repeats Mac vs. PC Clash: What’s Next? | Computerworld

iOS vs. Android Battle Repeats Mac vs. PC Clash: What’s Next? | Computerworld.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Smartphones and tablets are becoming the PCs of our time, and there are two major players in the game. Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android dominate smartphones, with RIM and Microsoft being niche players. It […]

How a Google Drive Revival Would Help Your Work | Computerworld

How a Google Drive Revival Would Help Your Work | Computerworld.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Long ago Google internally tested a file storage service they code named “Platypus”, but the world referred to as “Google Drive” or “Gdrive”. In 2008 they killed off the project, instead allowing users to upload files […]