Five Reasons the Transformer Prime Can Replace Your Laptop | PCWorld Business Center

Five Reasons the Transformer Prime Can Replace Your Laptop | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) There are many reasons to love the Android-based Asus Transformer Prime TF201, an updated version of the Transformer TF101. Available on December 19th starting at $499, our own Melissa J. Perenson noted it as […]

Dell Stuffs Over 1TB of SSD Storage into a Mobile Workstation | PCWorld Business Center

Dell Stuffs Over 1TB of SSD Storage into a Mobile Workstation | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Solid State Drives, or SSDs for short, are taking the laptop world by storm. They’ve been most widely used in Apple’s latest Macbook Airs, giving a solid performance boost to even the […]