Three Ways Windows 8 Will Fit Your Screen | PCWorld Business Center

Three Ways Windows 8 Will Fit Your Screen | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Apple’s new iPad is dominating the news with a “Retina” display that “takes your breath away”. Microsoft wants everyone to know that Windows 8, said to be released this October, will support many types of […]

Three Reasons the iPad Will Lead the Tablet Pack for Business | PCWorld Business Center

Three Reasons the iPad Will Lead the Tablet Pack for Business | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) The iPad seems unstoppable. Pre-orders for the new iPad sold out in less than a week. But it’s not just consumers that are interested, a ChangeWave Research survey shows 84% of businesses […]

OS X Mountain Lion vs. Windows 8: Apple and Microsoft Mobilize | PCWorld Business Center

OS X Mountain Lion vs. Windows 8: Apple and Microsoft Mobilize | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) With smartphones and tablets quickly gaining popularity, even IBM is calling this a “post-PC era”. It’s a world of portability, apps and touch-enabled devices. This is clear not only in the dominance […]

Five Ways Apple Should Make iCloud Business-Ready | PCWorld Business Center

Five Ways Apple Should Make iCloud Business-Ready | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Apple announced on Thursday an update to its OSX operating system, called Mountain Lion. Notable in the updated features is much tighter integration with iCloud, its cloud based file, apps and settings syncing feature. For businesses, […]