Streamlined Windows Server 8 Offers Key Benefits | PCWorld Business Center

Streamlined Windows Server 8 Offers Key Benefits | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Windows Server has always been a bit different. It looks like your desktop computer, and includes dozens of features that you have no interest in using. Some would say that’s not a problem, just don’t use […]

Three Ways Windows 8 Will Fit Your Screen | PCWorld Business Center

Three Ways Windows 8 Will Fit Your Screen | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Apple’s new iPad is dominating the news with a “Retina” display that “takes your breath away”. Microsoft wants everyone to know that Windows 8, said to be released this October, will support many types of […]

Three Ways Web Browsing Changes With IE10 in Windows 8 | PCWorld Business Center

Three Ways Web Browsing Changes With IE10 in Windows 8 | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) While Metro apps for both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have been recently announced, users are getting a chance to actually use the Metro app for IE10 in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. […]

Three Reasons the iPad Will Lead the Tablet Pack for Business | PCWorld Business Center

Three Reasons the iPad Will Lead the Tablet Pack for Business | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) The iPad seems unstoppable. Pre-orders for the new iPad sold out in less than a week. But it’s not just consumers that are interested, a ChangeWave Research survey shows 84% of businesses […]

Five Windows 8 Features Businesses Should Watch | PCWorld Business Center

Five Windows 8 Features Businesses Should Watch | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Microsoft’s Windows 8 Consumer Preview wasn’t Wednesday’s only download of interest to businesses. Also released was its Product Guide for Business, a 15 page PDF file that explores the most relevant Windows 8 features and technologies […]

Travel With a Smartphone? 3 Things to Check Before You Buy | PCWorld Business Center

Travel With a Smartphone? 3 Things to Check Before You Buy | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Even small and medium sized businesses are increasingly becoming global. Though the Internet makes it possible through audio and video communications around the world, there are times when it makes sense for […]

Five Reasons to Host Your Own Email | PCWorld Business Center

Five Reasons to Host Your Own Email | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Email is still an important means of communication in business. In recent years, an increasing number of businesses are outsourcing their email to web-based services like Google Apps for Business. In a tight economic time, the […]

Three Ways Windows 8 Improves Language Support | PCWorld Business Center

Three Ways Windows 8 Improves Language Support | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Microsoft has included the ability to install additional display languages since Windows 2000. This made Windows computers accessible to billions of people, but installing and switching languages wasn’t easy, so businesses generally assigned only one language […]