Cyfe Bundles Small-Business Web Services in One Dashboard | PC Advisor

Cyfe Bundles Small-Business Web Services in One Dashboard | PC Advisor.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Running a small business with any kind of Web presence involves tracking information from multiple online services such as Google Analytics, Facebook, and MailChimp. The new website Cyfe populates a dashboard with widgets for commonly used […]

Cyfe Bundles Small-Business Web Services in One Dashboard | PCWorld Business Center

Cyfe Bundles Small-Business Web Services in One Dashboard | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Running a small business with any kind of Web presence involves tracking information from multiple online services such as Google Analytics, Facebook, and MailChimp. The new website Cyfe populates a dashboard with widgets for commonly […]

Five Ways Apple’s IBooks 2 Can Influence Your Business | CIO

Five Ways Apple’s IBooks 2 Can Influence Your Business | CIO.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Apple today revealed iBooks 2, its version of “GarageBand for e-books”. Targeted primarily at textbooks, the effort will include tools that make it easier to create multimedia textbooks, and provide students with learning material that is […]

Five Ways Apple’s iBooks 2 Can Influence Your Business | PCWorld Business Center

Five Ways Apple’s iBooks 2 Can Influence Your Business | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Apple today revealed iBooks 2, its version of “GarageBand for e-books”. Targeted primarily at textbooks, the effort will include tools that make it easier to create multimedia textbooks, and provide students with learning material […]

Will Intel and Microsoft Use Netbook Lessons to Compete with iPad? | PCWorld Business Center

Will Intel and Microsoft Use Netbook Lessons to Compete with iPad? | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Apple is winning the tablet battle in business, and the only way for the competition to succeed is to have better functionality, or to have similar features to the iPad but beat […]

Would Business iPad Users Stick With It? Survey Says Yes | PCWorld Business Center

Would Business iPad Users Stick With It? Survey Says Yes | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) When it comes to tablets, Apple defined the category with its iPad. Visit an electronics store and you’ll find plenty of similar looking competitors, yet with as many as 60 million iPads sold, […]

OnLive Desktop Brings Windows 7 and Microsoft Office to the iPad | PC Advisor

OnLive Desktop Brings Windows 7 and Microsoft Office to the iPad | PC Advisor.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Tablets are great for consuming content, but so far have been lacking in the ability to create it. Whether it’s the limited hardware capabilities, the touchscreen interface, or just that software vendors haven’t […]