Three Ways Windows 8 Will Fit Your Screen | PCWorld Business Center

Three Ways Windows 8 Will Fit Your Screen | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Apple’s new iPad is dominating the news with a “Retina” display that “takes your breath away”. Microsoft wants everyone to know that Windows 8, said to be released this October, will support many types of […]

Three Ways Web Browsing Changes With IE10 in Windows 8 | PCWorld Business Center

Three Ways Web Browsing Changes With IE10 in Windows 8 | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) While Metro apps for both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have been recently announced, users are getting a chance to actually use the Metro app for IE10 in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. […]

Five Windows 8 Features Businesses Should Watch | PCWorld Business Center

Five Windows 8 Features Businesses Should Watch | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Microsoft’s Windows 8 Consumer Preview wasn’t Wednesday’s only download of interest to businesses. Also released was its Product Guide for Business, a 15 page PDF file that explores the most relevant Windows 8 features and technologies […]

Three Ways Windows 8 Improves Language Support | PCWorld Business Center

Three Ways Windows 8 Improves Language Support | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Microsoft has included the ability to install additional display languages since Windows 2000. This made Windows computers accessible to billions of people, but installing and switching languages wasn’t easy, so businesses generally assigned only one language […]

Three Cool Ways You’ll Benefit from SkyDrive in Windows 8 | PCWorld Business Center

Three Cool Ways You’ll Benefit from SkyDrive in Windows 8 | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Though DropBox is more popular, with over 45 million users, Microsoft’s SkyDrive, with 17 million users is a strong competitor. SkyDrive’s most desired feature has been it’s 25GB of free space, much larger […]

OS X Mountain Lion vs. Windows 8: Apple and Microsoft Mobilize | PCWorld Business Center

OS X Mountain Lion vs. Windows 8: Apple and Microsoft Mobilize | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) With smartphones and tablets quickly gaining popularity, even IBM is calling this a “post-PC era”. It’s a world of portability, apps and touch-enabled devices. This is clear not only in the dominance […]

Three Ways Windows 8 Will Boost Accessibility | PCWorld Business Center

Three Ways Windows 8 Will Boost Accessibility | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) According to the US Census, almost 50 million US citizens have disabilities, with the likeliness of a disability increasing with age. The Bureau of Labor estimates that nearly one-quarter of the workforce will be 55 or […]

Five Ways Windows 8 Will Make Apps More Power-Friendly | PCWorld Business Center

Five Ways Windows 8 Will Make Apps More Power-Friendly | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Windows 8 is coming soon, and much thought has gone into optimizing it to run well not just on desktops and laptops, but also on tablets and even smartphones. Part of making an operating […]