Five Ways to Protect Your Email at Work | PCWorld Business Center

Five Ways to Protect Your Email at Work | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Despite the popularity of real-time communications like chat, and social networking communications like status updates, many workplaces still use and rely on email. Email can contain important business data, not only in the message itself, […]

Windows 8: Log On With Taps, Circles, and Lines | PCWorld Business Center

Windows 8: Log On With Taps, Circles, and Lines | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) Though it’s common not to have a password on a home computer, and some even skip it on their personal mobile devices, it’s the first, and most important barrier protecting a companies data. Windows […]

Three Important Ways Windows 8 Provides Password Protection | PCWorld Business Center

Three Important Ways Windows 8 Provides Password Protection | PCWorld Business Center.  (No longer available online. Original text included below.) More than ever, passwords are a part of our lives, the key to our digital identity. On average, each of us has 25 online accounts, and that is beyond the internal systems you also need […]